Tutorial: Code Warnings

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As you probably noticed while working through the tutorial, Wing flags some types of incorrect code by underlining it. This is done for syntax errors, indentation errors, code that can't be reached, undefined variables or attributes, imports that cannot be resolved, and some other types of errors. Hovering the mouse cursor over an indicator on the editor displays details for that warning or error in a tooltip:


A warning Code Warnings icon is shown in the top right of any editor that has code warnings, and the Code Warnings tool can be used to view and manage the warnings.

The Code Warnings tool's Configuration tab can be used to set up external sources for code warnings, including ruff, flake8, mypy, pep8, and pylint:


The Editor > Code Warnings preference group is used to change the style of the warning indicators on the editor or to globally disable the feature.

See the Code Warnings documentation for details.